That's what it looks like. When we started looking at Bill C-11 and its predecessor, Bill C-32, we could see that there was a potential for this loophole, and we raised our concerns at that point. Upon reviewing the broadcasters' submissions, it looks like the broadcasters were—in writing anyway—saying that the 30-day exemption was what they wanted. We kept saying that, despite what they were saying in writing, we thought their true intention was to create a back-door loophole.
I was surprised a couple of weeks ago to see a broadcaster from Edmonton at a town hall meeting—held by a Conservative MP, actually—say that he didn't like this so-called “tax” on the transfer of CDs and that he was glad to see it was being repealed. It was going to be a big nuisance for him to have to make all of these copies. It was the first time that I had seen a broadcaster say out loud that this was what their intention was going to be: they were going to hit “control and delete” every 30 days.
Last week, after hearing testimony that this was in fact a problem, it seems that we've fallen down a rabbit hole. There has been a real shift in the broadcasters' game plan, which is contrary to what they asked for on Bill C-32 and is contrary to the intention of the government.