Yes, just like in any business, for me as a farmer, cashflow is number one on my farm. With the Wheat Board, cashflow is impossible. You get a price at the beginning of the year and you're not sure that's going stay. It could drop. It could go up. It could do whatever. You don't know how much you're going to be able to haul in. It could be 50%, could be 75%. And then once you do haul that in, you don't get paid for up to 18 months, when your bills are due in maybe three months.
I can give you a perfect example. My younger brother came back to the farm for the first time this year. He's got some land. He could not put wheat in. It's an absolute impossibility for him because he has bills due in November. He doesn't know when he'll be able to deliver his grain and how much he's going to get for it, and when he does that, his cheque won't come for up to 18 months from now. I don't know how anybody can run a business that way, especially a young farmer.