And yet in clause 12 of the legislation, you won't allow farmers to elect themselves as directors. And then later on in clause 42, when they're supposed to transition into a private board, a private corporation, you refer to the three specific pieces of legislation through which they would make that application—and quite rightly—but then you say, unusually, because any other farmer who'd like to incorporate certainly doesn't need your permission, “Oh, by the way, first you're going to have to send me your application and I need to approve it before I'll let you apply”.
So on the one hand, you propose that you have all of this faith in farmers, and then on the other hand, you take control of that corporation away from them. I find that quite contradictory.
So my questions are these. First, yes or no, will you let farmers elect themselves to a voluntary wheat board so that this the board can be by farmers for farmers? Second, yes or no, will you allow the removal of that clause requiring the approval of the farmers' applications through your department, so that farmers can be like any other Canadian and have the freedom to go and make their own application for incorporation under legislation they choose?