Western Canadian farmers have proven over and over again their expertise in marketing. They've built world-class systems in canola and pulses and other specialty crops. They've done the same thing with livestock, cattle, pork, and so on. We know they can do the same with wheat, barley, and durum. We know they will work together and start to do more value-added commodities.
There are changes required around the world. Even when I talk to entities that are dealing with the existing board now, they always ask, can I have a little more choice in what I want? It's been too prescriptive to this point. Certainly, that's where the Canadian International Grains Institute comes in; it does a tremendous job of showing other countries what they can do with our product.
I was at the largest flour mill in the world in Jakarta, Indonesia. They had stopped buying Canadian wheat. They're now back up to a $200 million per year system, simply using good, top-quality Canadian wheat to blend with everything else they buy, to make sure that the bread rises.
So we know there are markets out there. We know we can get a premium for our product and that we are not going to have to wait 18 months to get a final payment. You're going to be able to sell it to whomever you want, deliver it when you choose, and make that contract with your buyer. Whether it's with a farmer-owned terminal out there in western Canada or with Viterra or Cargill, you choose.