Thank you very much.
Thank you very much to the speakers today.
Somebody I know who is close to this topic said that what we're dealing with today is the biggest negative policy reversal in a century. As someone who's proud to come from western Canada—who grew up in a community close to Churchill, which depends very much on the work of the Wheat Board, and who grew up with people who live on the Bay line and depend on the rail line up to Churchill, who grew up next to people who run farms in the Carrot River Valley, and who works with people across the border in communities like Prince Albert and into Saskatchewan—I cannot believe that our region is being represented, or misrepresented, in such a manner.
I cannot believe that people from Churchill were unable to come to this committee, because they were given 24 hours' notice. These are people living in a remote community that stands to lose 200 jobs—and I'm not quite sure what's so funny about that—some 200 jobs from a community of about 1,000 people only, because they are about to be subject to this whole sham, in which their livelihood is being taken out from under their very feet. Their voices tonight cannot be heard.
I would like my first question to go perhaps to Mr. McCreary, who referenced the importance of Churchill. What does Churchill stand to lose, and what do farmers stand to lose if Churchill is no longer operational if the Wheat Board is gone?