Mr. Easter, the only option that I would have, then, is to return to the original motion of the routine proceedings, which meant that parties would have only five minutes to discuss the clause.
My understanding was there that was a gentleman's agreement at the table here that we would allow for discussion, insofar as those proposed sections in the proposed new act, which is introduced as part of clause 14, would be the ones we would debate. Then we would return to the entirety of clause 14. So I have to proceed on that. That's my understanding.
If we don't do that, Mr. Easter, then I will be forced as the chair to basically quash the gentleman's agreement, and we will simply return to the orders that were passed. We will simply have five minutes of debate dealing with the entirety of all of the amendments that have been proposed for clause 14, and I can't guarantee to you that we would get through all of them in that limited time--