I have a question for the officials.
This section, in part or in whole, as I've said several times, really takes the democratic control over the Canadian Wheat Board out of producer hands and puts it basically into the hands of the minister's office. No doubt you folks will have some say in that as well. This is a new concept. I don't even believe the original Canadian Wheat Board, with the three commissioners, had perhaps as much control from the minister's office placed on it as this particular one does.
I'm wondering if the officials here could name any other federal organization that has a board of directors structured as it is here. Also, could you tell me what model was used within the department to come to this new structure of a board of directors that is non-accountable to the farmers, the very people who they're supposed to be doing business for, that is completely dictated and controlled by big government in Ottawa? Is there any other model out there that you're following? How did you come to this particular conclusion?