On the issue of the members having other committee obligations, I have another committee I'm a part of, public accounts. I have found a permanent replacement, and in fact all of the members of the Conservatives are planning to do that. I would suggest that other parties do the same thing, because this is a massive omnibus bill. We have to have undivided attention from members of this committee on this particular bill. The committee cannot wait for other committees in order to schedule around it.
Secondly, we're talking about a very large bill. I've done the clause-by-clause already. I can tell you it took me about 15 or 20 hours just to go through, and that wasn't even debating the clauses or proposing amendments; that was just to read them and be briefed on their complexities. So I would propose that this agenda that Mr. Sauvageau has offered is too light. I don't think there's any reason why we could not do something Monday afternoon or evening. In fact, when I spoke to him that was my understanding, that we were going to include an afternoon or evening on Monday night, but that we would cut short on Thursday night because members such as him leave Thursday night to return to their constituencies and arrive late on Monday morning.
So I would suggest that we add to his amendment a further amendment that allows for a meeting from 3:30 to 5:30. Then do you want to do a later one after that? Yes, 3:30 to 5:30 on Monday or 6 to 9, whichever would be more agreeable to Mr. Sauvageau.
Do you have a preference between those two, Mr. Sauvageau?