I would like to begin by thanking you for your excellent presentation. I was very glad to hear you say that you did not want to give an opinion on the choice to be made between the Public Service Labour Relations Board and the famous Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal. You said that the board reports directly to Parliament through a designated minister. You also explained the way in which appointments are made to the board. I think that is very relevant to our discussion. Obviously, the fact that you already handle complaints made by public servants who allege that they have been victims of reprisals, and the fact that 33 such cases are currently before the board, attest to your experience in this field.
Firstly, I would like to know whether public servants have expressed reticence about taking a matter to the board for fear of being treated unfairly? Secondly, you spoke about additional responsibilities. However, in light of what you have told us, I wonder if it could really be described as a broader mandate. Let us say, for example, that Bill C-2 mandated a new body to carry out the work that you currently do. Would it truly have a broader mandate, or would it not simply be carrying out your current mandate?