On that same point, the staff relations board, which was proposed to protect whistle-blowers under the previous whistle-blower protection bill, Bill C-11, does not have the ability to discipline someone who has punished a whistle-blower.
One of the things we've tried do with the tribunal we're creating to protect whistle-blowers is to have an independent body that can actually discipline someone who has bullied a whistle-blower, because it's not realistic to expect politicians or bureaucratic leaders to discipline someone, or to discipline themselves, in fact, when they might have been the one who is actually doing the bullying in the first place. So we've taken that totally outside the executive branch of government, and the only place it can realistically reside is with the judiciary, which has obvious experience in disciplining--they hand out sentences, after all.
So that is a function that cannot exist in the staff relations board. I'm wondering if you agree with me and with the government that it should be an independent body that disciplines bureaucratic and political bullies, as opposed to having the bureaucratic and political leadership carry out that function.