Thank you for your presentation. I can certainly relate to some of what you're saying about these performance reports and about other reports on supply, also.
When we do have limited staff, and we try to look at some of this raw material and make some sense out of it, it is a pretty daunting task. So I think we are taking steps in the right direction.
You mentioned that Congress has a much larger staff than ours. I'd be interested in hearing a bit about that, because we can always use more help in doing the work we're doing.
But on the Public Service Staff Relations Board, there has been some debate about that. I'm certainly not interested in creating extra layers of bureaucracy or duplication, but I think we want to set up institutions that are going to work and make the situation better.
There has been discussion in this committee about extending some protections, not only for government employees, but also for contractors and federal government grant recipients. And also there has been discussion on federally funded researchers.
That being the case, when you look at what the traditional mandate of the Public Service Staff Relations Board has been--and you've already expressed the one reservation, whether this is only going to be dealt with in an employment context.... Does setting up a new body--that approach--make a little more sense if we did, in fact, extend some of the reach to federally funded researchers, and so on?