In terms of privacy, we have a privacy policy that we've instituted within the corporation itself. When we're dealing with privacy with respect to health records, it is the 14 different pieces of privacy legislation within the jurisdictions and the federal government that constitute the privacy issues around access to health records.
An EKOS poll two years ago indicated that 80% of Canadians believe electronic health records would indeed improve the delivery of the health care they got out of the health care system; however, they expressed some concerns. In the expression of those concerns they were very concerned about who would have access to their health information, under what circumstances that access would be granted, and whether or not they would have the ability to intervene with respect to correcting or changing their particular health care records.
Overall, in terms of privacy with respect to health records, Infoway has developed what would be an appropriate governance and architecture system for confidentiality and privacy around electronic health records that the jurisdictions could use in building those electronic health care systems.