I'm going to make a statement; it's as simple as that. You'll have to bear with me, as it won't be long.
Before we proceed with this bill clause by clause, I would like to share some information with members of this committee. As you know, there have been several situations in recent meetings where divisions on motions have resulted in tied votes, and I've delivered a casting vote.
House of Commons Procedure and Practice explains the casting vote on pages 268 to 269 in this manner:
The Speaker does not participate in debate and votes only in cases of an equality of voices; in such an eventuality, the Speaker is responsible for breaking the tie by casting a vote. In theory, the Speaker has the same freedom as any other Member to vote in accordance with his or her conscience; however, the exercise of this responsibility could involve the Speaker in partisan debate, which would adversely affect the confidence of the House in the Speaker’s impartiality. Therefore, certain conventions have developed as a guide to Speakers (and Chairmen in a Committee of the Whole) in the infrequent exercise of the casting vote. Concisely put, the Speaker would normally vote to maintain the status quo. This entails voting in the following fashion: - whenever possible, leaving the matter open for future consideration and allowing for further discussion by the House; - whenever no further discussion is possible, taking into account that the matter could somehow be brought back in the future and be decided by a majority of the House; - leaving a bill in its existing form rather than having it amended.
Therefore, without anticipating any results in clause-by-clause, I want to inform members that if there are tied votes on clauses of the bill, I will vote in the affirmative to leave the bill in the existing form. If there are tied votes on amendments or subamendments, the chair will vote in the negative in order to maintain the status quo and keep the question open to further amendment, either here in committee or in the House at report stage.
Finally—and this is important—I intend to notify the Speaker of any casting votes delivered on amendments. Normally, the Speaker will not select at report stage any motions that were defeated in committee. However, the Speaker does exercise a discretionary power of selection, and I intend to provide him with as much information as possible, so that he may base his selection decisions on it during report stage in the House.
I trust this information will assist the committee in its decision-making process on this bill. That's my statement for you to ponder.
At about six o'clock tonight I received a document from the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel, R.R. Walsh, and Richard Denis, Deputy Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel. It has been distributed to you.
So you have this document before you. Just as a comment from the chair, which I believe I'm entitled to make, I find it a very important document. I find it very unusual that the clerk would.... I didn't ask for this document; it was just given to me. Many of you are more experienced than I am, but I find it unusual. However, the committee may consider speaking to him or having him come here, or they may not. I believe it's a fairly important document. It's here for your reading. I don't imagine any of you have had a chance to read it; you may wish to read it later, but that's for your consideration. Again, I don't make these comments to try to prejudice any of the motions—Ms. Jennings' motions, or anyone else's motions—with respect to that.
The proposal that we have for debate on these matters....
Mr. Sauvageau.