Your point, however, earlier in your presentation, was well taken. As Mr. Martin stated, it would appear obvious that there were some wrongdoings, but it's very difficult to prove. I'm wondering whether there are any particular rules in place.
While I don't know what has happened over the past few decades in Quebec, I can assure you, sir, that this situation has occurred in Saskatchewan several times. I have lodged complaints with the chief electoral officer in Saskatchewan to no avail, because there cannot be any wrongdoing proven. But at first blush it would appear quite obvious that it involved an agreement.
What makes it even more egregious in my mind is the fact that the political parties would not just be receiving their donations back; they would be making money on top of it, because they would claim a rebate, and with taxpayers' dollars. To me, that's the type of “accountability” we need to clamp down on.
That was my only comment, sir.