Pardon me for answering you in English, but that's easier for me.
Simply to say, I think this is exactly the type of issue that should stimulate some very important discussion. Paying people to report on others is a dramatic departure from the way we traditionally administer public institutions in this country. There's nothing inherently wrong about paying people and offering up rewards to encourage certain types of behaviour, but in my view, this is a precedent that deserves a whole lot of consideration. In my own personal view, this would be a severe and dramatic departure from past practices. In Canada, we have always relied on self-reporting, for instance, and encouraging individuals to do the right thing. Offering up cash rewards and creating perhaps a mini industry around whistle-blowing would be an important change.
When you consider this particular aspect, I think you have to think about it in the larger context, that this is precedent setting, and that if we do it in the case of whistle-blowing, we should consider doing it for other types of government-related activities. This is an important aspect of the bill.