I have no contradictory comment to make on what I've just heard, sir. Thank you for your question. You summarized, among other things, the purposes of these amendments very well.
Your last question is very important, because it concerns the human component. The transfer of this unit, which consists of a number of employees, to a separate unit from the Department of Justice, will have a significant impact on interpersonal relations. These people are leaving a department for which they've worked, in some cases, for nearly 30 years. From a human standpoint, these people are sad to leave the Department of Justice in order to create this new institution, but happy as well because they know that they'll play a very important role which will have been confirmed in an independent manner by the act. So they'll be proud to create and introduce this new concept of Director of Public Prosecutions, but sad at the same time to leave the Department of Justice.
From a budgetary standpoint, under the act—and this is included in the transitional provisions—the some 600 employees who are currently part of the Federal Prosecution Service will become members of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions the day after the bill is passed. Four hundred and eleven lawyers work in the Federal Prosecution Service, along with 273 employees who are not lawyers, and we call on nearly 250 firms around the country, representing 800 lawyers, to conduct trials in regions where we don't have a permanent office.
So the budgetary impact shouldn't be enormous, but there will nevertheless be an impact. To guarantee the independence of the Federal Prosecution Service, which will become the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, it will have to have separate premises from those of the employees of the Department of Justice, which will perhaps entail a one-time expenditure for one year.