Oh, shadow cabinet. Sorry.
On the five-year ban on lobbying, I think if there has been one criticism, one huge criticism is that it goes too far, not that it's not strict enough. I heard many comments. Your comments in the scrum, after we released the bill on the day we tabled it, on April 11, indicated we were going too far.
Through the conflict of interest code and the lobbying reforms, we've sought to regulate the executive branch of government, not the legislative branch. I'd be very open if you have any proposals on regulating the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, the staff of members of Parliament who are not working in the executive branch. If you think these don't go far enough, we would welcome any ideas or suggestions that you think could strengthen the bill.
Thus far, we haven't gone into the legislative branch on the conflict of interest side. We've only looked directly at the source of power in this government, and this act identifies the executive branch. We've sought to bring in fairly significant reforms so that people don't lobby the person who used to work in the office next to them, the people they used to work with on making important decisions in government, for five years.
If you have suggestions to go further and you would like to present amendments, I think we'd all welcome a good discussion on that. If you would like to discuss making them retroactive, we're open to discussing that too. We would want to make them retroactive for the former ministerial advisers in the previous government too, if we made them retroactive for the former opposition.