Thank you, Chair.
I will try not to use up all of my time with my comments, so we can give the minister some opportunities to react as well.
Let me say first, on behalf of the NDP, that I view what we're doing as a very noble undertaking. I'm happy on behalf of our party to be able to be involved with this. I can restate that I think this could be the single most important thing we do in the 39th Parliament. I say that as a preface to the comment that we can't ram this thing through; this is so important that I think perhaps the minister's stated timelines might not be realistic. By that same token, I won't tolerate anybody on this committee doing anything to sabotage the work for their own political motives. I say that as the first official comment I have to make on this committee, because while we don't want it rammed through, we will not see it unduly delayed for anybody's political objectives. I'm speaking, of course, to my colleagues on the opposition side, largely.
We're concerned that the sheer magnitude of this thing could cause it to collapse under its own weight; that's my only observation. Rather than getting into the specifics, I'd ask the minister if he has considered the idea of hiving off those things where there is broad agreement and consensus, allowing them to go ahead unabated or separately while we wrestle with the more contentious issues. Has there been any consideration of taking your easy ones first, like in a game of pool?