Again, the purpose of this proposed section in the first place is to avoid a situation where someone who has, say, a very short-term temporary role, perhaps they work from out of a temporary agency and they serve in a minister's office for a brief period of time.... Having worked with a minister's office in my role as a public office holder, I've seen this happen already, where people have been in and out of the office on very short-term bases. We do not want someone who comes in and serves as a secretary for a very short term, two or three weeks, from a temp agency to be then covered by the provisions dealing with lobbying and prevent them from ever getting a job working for a lobby firm because they might have been a secretary in a minister's office for a few weeks.
So that's the reason this exists. We just think it would be far better from an administrative standpoint if you allow the minister, who will see up close what kind of work this hypothetical individual will be doing, to make the determination rather than have someone who's detached from the situation make the determination for him.
But the rules are very clear. It's not as though the minister can pick a friend in the office and say, you, you, and you are all excluded; we're not going to apply the law to you. The definitions in the law are very clear, so the room for abuse, which I think is what Mr. Sauvageau is trying to get at, is almost non-existent, and as such, we don't see the purpose of the amendment.