The objective of my amendment L-1.8 is to see that clause 38 no longer exists. There are two ways of going about it, or potentially three. We can vote on my amendment, in which case clause 38 is simply deleted; or my amendment is voted on and defeated, and then clause 38 is voted on, and if it's defeated it's gone; or I simply do not move amendment L-1.8, and then again, you have a vote on the substantive clause itself and it's either carried or defeated.
Given the experience I had in withdrawing two of my amendments that were in line conflict with an amendment proposed by one of my colleagues, Mr. Owen, and the discussion we'd had around this table that led me, obviously wrongly, to believe Mr. Owen's amendment would in fact be carried, and it was not, and then I had no way to move forward with my proposed amendments, I'm not going to withdraw this. I'm going to ask that we vote on it.