I think what we're ultimately getting at here is the same thing. This section leaves a very broad range of options to a government and ultimately to Parliament in the selection of a future Ethics Commissioner. But it merely lays out a specific list of qualifications that individual must have to assume such an important position.
If we were to accept the Bloc amendment, there would be absolutely no criteria whatsoever to determine who qualifies and who does not. In other words, the Bloc amendment actually opens the door to more patronage because it removes any qualifying criteria necessary to win the position. We have put in place here some very clear criteria with the goal of taking the discretion out of the hands of the government to appoint whoever they please and replacing that discretion with an obligation to find someone who has proven experience in the execution of the job.
I note that some members of the Liberal side have already supported the concept. Mr. Owen said he would support the amendment in principle; he just doesn't want it to apply to one particular individual. But if we're going to have a rule, presumably, especially if we're talking about a rule that pertains to ethics, it ought to apply equally and across the board. We cannot have a special favour for one particular individual, whether we like that individual or not.
In the interest of consistency, it is my view that we need first to have clear criteria to determine who can be our Ethics Commissioner, and that the criteria must lay out an experience with judicial procedure, an experience with making decisions and rulings, and an experience that will give this individual the intellectual equipment to interpret statutory law. This new office is being given new executive powers that must be met with serious qualifications.
You will note that in other parts of the bill we have done the exact same thing in requiring judges to be involved, for example, in the whistle-blower protection component, because there are serious new powers that we are extending to these offices. If we give these offices new powers those powers must be accompanied strictly by qualifications that are clearly laid out. If they are not laid out over time, they will be abused.
So I am proud to say that I will be voting against the Bloc's amendment, and I would open the floor to Mr. Wild to add any technical advice that might be of interest to the committee.