The bill currently provides that certain clauses will come into force on the day royal assent is given. These concern political financing rules on limits and the prohibition against corporations and unions from making contributions. I'm missing an element.
Whatever the case may be, two amendments are proposed to the Canada Elections Act. They will come into force within six months of royal assent. We've chosen, on the one hand, those the Chief Electoral Officer will need to create new forms and manuals and, on the other hand, those that will require the parties to make changes to their financial arrangements. Here we're talking about, for example, the prohibition against using trusts to finance candidates' campaigns.
We believe that the four articles that are to come into force on the day of royal assent require very little preparation on the part of Elections Canada. Furthermore, those who might be affected by these changes can easily receive instructions through an insertion in the manuals or an addition to the Elections Canada's website.