I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to support this amendment. The idea that there's going to be some sort of administrative problem with the change mid-year is, I think, a specious argument that holds no weight whatsoever.
If the act comes into force on, say, August 1, it will simply mean that after August 1 riding associations and parties will decide not to cash cheques that exceed $1,000 or cheques that come from corporations and unions. It will be publicly known when the act comes into effect. It will be widely distributed. All the political parties and riding associations can be easily informed of the change, and they can adjust their behaviour accordingly.
I simply have not heard a single practical argument as to why there should be any problem implementing the tough new financing rules when the act comes into effect, nor have I heard a single argument as to why we should allow a continuing loophole to flow until the end of the calendar year, other than perhaps to favour parties that cannot live under these tough new rules and are not able to raise money under these tough new rules.
If members of this committee actually believe in the rules that the Accountability Act introduces, if they believe that we should end big money, end corporate cash and union donations, then they ought to believe in it now, not just eight months from now.