All right.
(Clause 191 agreed to on division)
(Clauses 192 and 193 agreed to)
(On clause 194)
Clause 194 is another one of these tricky ones. It relates to the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act. There's a series of other clauses related to clause 194, so we will deal with all the amendments that pertain to the subject matter of clause 194 before we put the question on clause 194.
Therefore, we'll deal with the amendments to this clause and to clauses 201, 203, 210, 222, 224, and 225. Once this is completed we will put the question on clause 194, and its results will be applied to all those consequential clauses, namely 195, 197, 201, 211, 216 to 219, and 222 to 226.
So we will proceed with the first amendment relating to clause 194, which is NDP-19 on page 147.
Mr. Dewar.