I won't go on at great length. I just want to say that I believe this process that Mr. Martin is proposing strikes the right line. It puts in law a series of processes through which Governor in Council appointments must go before they are adopted, and that is exactly what we need. In the last Parliament, for example, we had a series of guidelines that were put into place temporarily, and then they weren't ultimately followed. Mr. Martin is right in identifying the Gordon Feeney appointment as being one such example.
The reason I'm making this point, the reason I'm being very specific, is that if you do not codify it in law, it ultimately does not need to be followed. If you call it a guideline, or a code, or something else, it doesn't need to be followed.
That, I believe, is the genius of this particular amendment, that it takes a very strict process, with which I gather there is widespread agreement from at least three of the four parties here, and puts it in statutory law, making it an obligation to be followed in the future.
I would just like to commend Mr. Martin for this. On the issue of patronage and appointments, this is the culmination of years of work by this particular member. Mr. Martin has been working on this for many years, and it's with some satisfaction that I see that he is likely to have a fairly major, substantive victory by amending a law that will hopefully be enacted in the very near future.
So I would commend him as a fellow member of Parliament for his good work and for this amendment, which we are proud to support.