That's great.
I have just one quick question--which may be the meat of some giddy accounting parties because I can't imagine your having the answer to this--and one serious question. The unserious question is whether the $1,000 whistler-blower amount is a taxable amount, in that it doesn't arise from employment and could be considered a general damage in the law because it arises from a damage of the employment situation. You can think that one over and discuss it with your accountants at the cocktail party.
The serious question is--and it's the meat of your report or your précis--that systems and procedures should be in place, and they should be working, and you would report on the adequacy of the systems and provide recommendations for improvement with the new foundations that you oversee or have prevalence over. What I'm asking you is whether you are not underestimating the work that might be required for the million-dollar foundations. There would be more of them. I'm presuming--which is dangerous--that the million-dollar foundations might not have the sophisticated systems and procedures in place, just because of a function of budget, that the one hundred million-dollar foundations that you already look at have. Might you therefore--as you say, you're not going to need additional funding--expect that there will be more work involved with the foundations that frankly have fewer resources to put systems and procedures in place? It's an assumption and you can respond to it as the expert.