I spent years working within the system. I felt that was simply what one does. In fact, I didn't realize how much they wanted to get rid of me. I spent years trying to do my job. And this must be understood; this is the reality for so many whistle-blowers: they are merely doing their job. So from 1992 through to 1996 I went to see Jim Judd, who was the ADM. I wrote Lloyd Axworthy in 1997. Nobody answered me; nobody dealt with the substance of the complaints, neither the wrongdoing nor the retaliation. Finally, I was in very poor health as a result of this, and I commenced a legal action in 1998. We are entering the ninth year of the legal action, and I am currently in seven weeks of depositions. It's a long, very costly process.
As for costs, this is why I caution you. The government is very powerful. In one motion alone they asked me for $380,000 in costs.
So it's a dangerous undertaking for whistle-blowers.