I don't think that giving workers a choice is necessarily the best solution. The Public Service Staff Relations Board does its job very well and I do not see why it could not continue to do so.
Mr. Poilievre stated that an individual who had a dispute with the government would not trust the Labour Relations Board because its members had been appointed by the government. I do not see how the individual would have more confidence in another tribunal whose judges would also be appointed by the government.
I would like to go back to the section dealing with the lobbying. Prior to your appearance, we heard from the Registrar of Lobbyists and other individuals interested in the topic of lobbying. The registrar presented us with an interesting argument that we often hear.
According to this argument, the fact that all activities pursued by every lobbyist must be reported and made public could deter public servants, professionals or non-professionals from making, keeping and establishing contacts with lobbyists, from answering their questions or meeting with them for fear of being named in their reports. Even if they have done absolutely nothing to warrant any criticism, even if everything that they have done is perfectly legal, they could decide, in order to avoid finding themselves in a situation that could eventually be made public, to not answer this type of telephone call or e-mail or to not meet with lobbyists or their representatives.
I would like to know what you think about this and whether or not these fears are real or faceless.