It's not what it's going to do to me and to the people I represent. We're quite prepared to provide whatever information you ask for. We have done that since the beginning, and we do it now.
The question really isn't about us. It's about the people we represent and the clients that Mr. Weber's group represents. As you started out saying, there's a myth out there about the pejorative lobbyist, but the people I represent aren't pejorative at all. You know a lot about them already, and we're prepared to give you whatever you ask.
The myth is that because I know somebody or because I talk to somebody, we must be doing something bad. In fact, in most of what we do, we go to the government—sometimes to you—and point out that the advice you're getting from the bureaucracy has these holes in it. I think the balancing of the advice you get from the bureaucracy, which is closed and has its own responsibilities, and the advice you get from us, and particularly from our clients, is necessary.
We can already report that the mere thought and talk of these kinds of regulations has made a lot of senior civil servants leery of talking to anybody. In our view, it is not in the public interest in the long run that legitimate conversations between citizens, which is really who we are, and the government be curtailed.