Pursuant to Standing Order 113(3), I would like to call the meeting to order. This is the first meeting of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-2, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to other Acts.
I feel like the genie in Aladdin, because there are a few quid pro quos that we need to go through first. According to practice, in my role as the chair of this committee, I will act as a neutral arbitrator of the proceedings, ensuring orderly conduct of debate and, obviously, careful attention to the clause-by-clause study of the bill.
I first would like to thank the committee and respective parties for their support in allowing me to chair this legislative committee. Because of the short time this committee has been given to study the bill, I shall do my best to ensure that we do this in as efficient a manner as we possibly can. We'll have our work cut out for us if we are going to complete our study by November 22, but I think we'll be able to meet that part of the motion and certainly move forward. I give you my assurances that I will act as a neutral arbitrator and chair this as effectively and efficiently as I possibly can.
There are two people I would like to introduce before we get into housekeeping matters. The first is the clerk of our committee, Christine Lafrance. She'll be responsible for the administrative and procedural aspects of the committee's work. Our legislative clerk, from whose work we will benefit, is Mr. Mike Macpherson. Mr. Macpherson will be an advisor to the committee regarding the admissibility of amendments.
Before we begin the consideration of routine motions, I would like to confirm the fact that the committee is ready to hear from the justice minister this afternoon in a televised meeting. Obviously all of our proceedings will be televised. If I could see agreement and general concurrence that the minister could drop by and present, that would be appreciated.