As the minister has already stated, the broad scope of the reform to the dangerous offender legislation is to respond to the case of R. v. Johnson. In fact, R. v. Johnson laid out a bit of a different landscape from what was there previously. It suggested that even though an individual meets the dangerous offender criteria, they still will not be designated dangerous offender nor receive the dangerous offender indeterminate sentence if in fact there's a finding by the court that a lesser sentence can manage the risk posed to the general public.
These provisions respond directly to the Johnson case. First, they separate a sentence from designation, and second, basically the court first will determine that if they meet the criteria, they're designated as a dangerous offender, and they're a dangerous offender for life. Once that occurs, then the court turns to the issue of the appropriate sentence. The test is now emphatically laid out, in accordance with the Johnson decision, whereby unless the court is satisfied that the lesser sentence will manage the risk the offender poses of future offending, then they have to receive the indeterminate sentence.
So with regard to what those two provisions do, proposed subsection 753(4) now lays out the three sentence choices for the court. Proposed subsection 753(4.1) sets out the Johnson test, the actual criteria they are to apply in terms of whether or not to make the indeterminate sentence or the lesser sentence.