Yes. Any of the firearm offences that have a minimum possible penalty of at least ten years open up the door for a potential dangerous offender application as long as they meet the remaining criteria for serious personal injury offence. All you have to do is take a look at the new offences created, and if there's a ten-year possible penalty, then it could possibly trigger a dangerous offender application.
As to the other question, do you want me to just go through how a dangerous offender...?
The first stage is that the individual is convicted of what can be typified as a serious personal injury offence or one of the three enumerated sexual offences. Once that occurs, the crown has to make a case to the judge that there's a reasonable likelihood of success of the application, and if that's the case, the crown has the authority to order a psychiatric assessment of the offender, which is a process that ordinarily takes about a month. A report is filed to the court and reviewed by the crown. If the crown is of the view that the potential dangerous offender application will be successful, they will file with the Attorney General's consent and a notice to the defence counsel of the intent to bring the application. Once that occurs, the hearing will proceed.
The hearing is based firstly on the criteria listed in section 753(1), which requires the crown to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the offender has a certain pattern of brutality that is sufficiently dangerous, etc., and pointing to future risk. Once that finding has been made, as a result of the decision in R. v. Johnson in 2003 by the Supreme Court of Canada, the court then has ultimate discretion to refuse the indeterminate sentence and the dangerous offender application if in fact it is satisfied that a lesser sentence can manage the threat posed to the general public.
Thank you.