Thank you.
I'm sorry, Mr. Charbonneau, but you're not going to get a chance to respond. We are right out of time.
Ms. Jennings, while she didn't have a point of order, I think made a good suggestion, followed up by Mr. Murphy's suggestion, that if you do have issues or matters that you did not get the opportunity to respond to, the committee more than welcomes your written submissions. So if there were questions that you didn't get a chance to answer, or any comments coming out of today's meeting, we would certainly appreciate getting them. The clerk will ensure that each of member of the committee receives a copy.
Thank you very much for appearing this morning.
I want to suspend for just 30 seconds to allow our witnesses a chance to leave. I would ask that members stay in their seats, if they can, just based on the fact that we have the justice committee meeting immediately afterwards.