I understand NDP-12, NDP-13, and NDP-14 have already been withdrawn.
On NDP-11, this is narrowly allowed under the provisions that we've put forward, to avoid revictimizing the victim. A victim has given testimony, so we allow that testimony to be used in a subsequent hearing. The reason that's done is to avoid having a victim revictimized.
As to the vast amount of other evidence that would come into a hearing of this nature, that does not involve revictimizing someone. In order to move in that direction, we would have to have consultations with the provinces, with the bar, with other stakeholders. I think there's a sound reason for the one we are allowing, which is that the victim or the narrow group of people who have maybe been very seriously abused by an offender and who have mustered up the courage to give testimony will avoid having to give testimony again. I think this is a worthwhile effort, but if we're going to have a hearing, we want to err on the side of hearing that evidence in its original format.