Thank you. I have my own little timer. I forget to set it.
With respect, Professor Mendes, I think you may have the arguments backwards. I was arguing that the case regarding whether or not the patriation reference was no longer relevant because of the fact that we had these amending formulae in place, and therefore that constitutional conventions that had existed at that time had been replaced by the black letter of the constitutional law that now exists, and that part of the reference is no longer applicable.... Although I think it could be argued that the Parliament of Canada can proceed with what is within its legal prerogative unless it is stopped by the fact that it is acting in an ultra vires manner. So I think you have the arguments backwards.
I do think, however, the question here about the royal prerogative is one of the things that would come up in arguments before our Supreme Court. You may not think it's very important, but I'm interested in knowing whether you think it's applicable or not, and if you could indicate what the reasons might be for that.