Of course we have no idea. We don't know what the factors are that go into that. We know that different prime ministers have used very different strategies.
Prime Minister Chrétien had an interesting strategy, which he didn't hold to exclusively, of appointing relatively old individuals to the Senate, so he had a fair bit of churn within the Senate. That's an interesting way of going.
You could appoint young senators to ensure that your party has a voice in that Senate, regardless of what happens in the House of Commons down the road. There are different ways of doing this. We don't have any calculus right now. We don't know what constrains the Prime Minister.
To make one other very quick point, I said as strongly as I could that it's inconceivable that a prime minister would not accept the advice he received from the electorate. I actually take that back. I can conceive of a situation. Let's say one province elected somebody who was blatantly racist, blatantly, in the view of the prime minister of the day, expressed views that were not acceptable within the public forum of Canada. I can see a prime minister at some point saying “That's advice I'm not going to take. I'll risk my political career on that. I think that's a value I won't accept and I'll go further down the elected list.” I think that's possible, but very unlikely. To my mind, it's a remote possibility but maybe not a bad thing to keep in mind.