Mr. Nicholson, you know as well as I do that if you're sitting there as a judge...and again, I want to point out these figures from you. Of those 384 who went in, I think it's a very small number who have been released. If the designation is found, very few, I think fewer than 18 out of the 384 who went in, have ever come out. The prospects of their ever coming out, from what we can see by past pattern, are extremely limited.
So if you're sitting there as the judge and you're saying you're sending this person for life.... It's not life for first or second degree murder or manslaughter or other serious violent crimes, where the person is going to be out in 10, 15, or 25 years maximum; this person is going to stay in prison for the rest of their life. So if you're sitting there as the judge and saying this person has to tell you why you're not going to keep him in jail for the rest of his life, don't you agree with me that the vast majority of judges in this country, certainly at the upper levels of our superior courts, are going to say that's offensive to the charter and are going to strike this provision down?