Madam Freeman, I do not believe that these people are what we could call a target clientele. Those people who are incarcerated and who are dangerous criminals are not people who have committed three offences. These are people who have been imprisoned for three serious crimes. Three offences is one thing: these offences could be just about anything. We are talking about three jail terms for violent crimes or serious sexual offences. These are the people we are talking about. Be they Aboriginal, Italian or Portuguese, if they are dangerous criminals, to my mind, there is no distinction based on race, nationality or anything else. These are people who have committed serious crimes and who are a serious threat to the public.
I have some difficulty following the Bloc's reasoning, despite the fact that I very much enjoy discussing things with you. We are targeting violent and dangerous criminals. We are not talking about kleptomaniacs. A kleptomaniac is not going to be designated as a dangerous offender.