Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you to both of you for coming here today and sharing some of your thoughts on this issue.
Mr. Bonta, I've received two different studies you have prepared. One was in 2006, entitled Tracking High-Risk, Violent Offenders: An Examination of the National Flagging System, and you also did another study, The Crown Files Research Project: A Study of Dangerous Offenders, about 10 years earlier. In the first study, I believe you made the statement: “There is now a consensus that general reoffending can be predicted among criminal populations.” And you just confirmed that a few minutes ago by stating that criminal history is the best indicator of recidivism. It's not the only indicator, but it's the best indicator.
You also noted in that first study that there are about 300,000 violent or sexual crimes committed annually, and of those, there are about 57,000 of those offenders who could be expected to reoffend again, but there are only 30 designated offender designations, which basically works out to less than 1% of the violent recidivist population. I think that is the nub of the issue here. We have a significantly sized population that can be expected to reoffend, and our legislation tries to focus in on that.
Are you in a position to be able to say, at least on a general basis, that if a person offends once—a violent or sexual crime—there's an increase of probability that the individual will reoffend, and that if the individual commits two crimes of similar nature the probability of recidivism goes even higher, and if there were a third offence it goes even higher? Is this a statement you can make?