Thank you, Chair.
Thank you very much for your presentation.
I'd like to ask, given your expertise in evaluating the level of risk posed to the community by prisoners in the correctional system, and given the fact that once someone has been designated a dangerous offender or a long-term offender and comes into the correctional system, they would undergo an assessment—which, Dr. Motiuk, you mentioned could take up to 90 days, I believe—do you have any data indicating whether your assessment of those two categories of offenders, or the assessment of them done in the correctional system, is incorrect? For instance, is there data indicating for someone designated a dangerous offender by the evaluation that you or the system did over the 90 days that the level of risk and threat could have been supervised in the community, and for someone designated a long-term offender when evaluated on their intake into the Correctional Service, is there data indicating that a dangerous offender designation would have been more appropriate?
Are you in a position to answer that?