That's a good question. Paul Callow, as an example, had about 15 convictions, along with what would apply as his primary designated offences. I know Peter Whitmore has a fairly extensive criminal record. Gordon Stuckless, who was the offender in Martin Kruze's case at the Maple Leaf Gardens, had a number of offences on his record. John Paul Roby had a long list.
I think it's a great question. I would encourage the committee to speak to the Department of Justice and the RCMP, and maybe just get them to send you a couple of hundred high-risk offender criminal records for those who haven't been declared dangerous offenders yet. Just have them scratch out the name and the FPS number--the identifiers--and have a look at those records. My experience when I was at the retroactive DNA team was that when you pull that record out of the file, along with some serious crimes, the list drops to the floor, because they are the consummate “in and out of the criminal justice system” offenders, with long and extensive criminal records.