Let's do this in step function, here.
The first decision we have to make is by what date we want to submit things, and I've heard the 15th, the 20th. I don't think there is much in it, so let's pick a date by which it has to be done.
And then it obviously makes sense that on the 29th we have a business session that establishes some pretty fundamental issues, such as how extensive we're going to make this, based on the number of witnesses who have been submitted, whether they're going to travel or not, how often we want to meet. There are a whole bunch of things that will have to come into play, so I think we'd better set aside a pretty good chunk of time.
It might be possible, one would hope, then, that even in that first week we could hear the officials, say, towards the Thursday or so. I don't know that we need to wait around until the following week to hear the standard officials who would come before us, anyway.
Why don't we just pick a date for the submission? I don't know—the 20th? Is the 20th okay?