To the FCM, I was reading with interest that you're reducing greenhouse gas emissions. You say that close to 55% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions can be influenced by decisions made by municipal governments:
Municipalities can reduce greenhouse gas emissions through land use, energy and transportation planning; infrastructure design; green procurement; building retrofits; water conservation; solid waste diversion; and the use of distributed energy systems.
It sounds like you wrote the Clean Air Act. Excellent.
My interest is in the transportation, planning, infrastructure design, and in fact building retrofits.
We had someone here, who was mentioned previously by the Bloc, Claude Villeneuve. He talked about green spaces and the effect that infrastructure and transportation have on the environment.
Indeed, your strategies and policy on clean air talk about infrastructure and transportation initiatives and strong legislation directed at smog-causing pollutants. Of course Kyoto has nothing to do with that. It talks strictly about greenhouse gases. But the Clean Air Act is doing that.
In general, the FCM is coming out very positively about some of the things we're doing--for example, the transportation infrastructure and going beyond greenhouse gases in dealing with air quality problems inside and outside the home. Is that fair?