Okay, fair enough.
Mr. Lazar, this is a hard question to put to you, but you're the only person who's come in front of us who has really a responsibility for forests. If you can't answer the question, I understand. First of all, I commend you and your members on the actions you've taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
But I want to talk specifically about urban forestry. Again, I don't know whether you can speak to this, but it's something the committee hasn't heard, to this point. There have been a lot of discussions about what could be done in urban areas with trees, and specifically how they could help reduce carbon dioxide, but also in urban areas reduce heating costs or stop erosion.
I don't know whether you're aware of what's been going on in that regard, or of organizations such as Tree Canada that have been promoting an urban forestry agenda. Could you speak to it, given that you're one of the only people we've had in front of us who deals with trees?