I think I underlined in my introduction that in Europe we were also going through a long discussion as to whether we would go for absolute or for intensity targets. And in the end we came to the conclusion that the absolute targets were creating a system that was capable of having much more simplicity and many more straightforward incentives to the operators in the system.
If I may link it up to the previous comment related to the cost-effectiveness potential of the scheme that we have created in Europe, we have had new estimates. The new estimates that were adopted on the occasion of the January 10 paper that I introduced last time have shown that the cost savings are at least as high as the ones that were quoted, and depend very much on the scope of the system, on the broadness of the system.
So linking up with other systems is a key element of driving costs down within Europe and, as we have studied it, potentially also in the wider world. So having compatible systems seems to us a key element for the future.
Thank you.