I was also surprised by that statement in the following sense. We see that within the EU, there are lots of buyers and lots of sellers. We should not be overly concentrated on who, as a country, is buying or selling. The point made before on cost effectiveness is that companies can sell and buy and look for the lowest-cost opportunity.
On the numbers for the EU that were quoted, the EU has been reducing its emissions in absolute terms today, and is continuing to do that up to minus 8% by 2012, and up to minus 20% in 2020. The commitment is there and currently our emissions already have been brought down below the emissions that we had before.
If I can just take the opportunity, Chairman, on the HFC-23 project, we in the EU made a strong distinction between, on the one hand, the refurbishing of existing plants in China—which is really worth doing, as these are old plants—and new plants with this type of equipment. We have to have state-of-the-art technology in the new investments, and I think that makes a really different case for refurbishing instead of new plants when it comes to CDM projects.
Thank you.