Yes, that's correct. The second one....
To continue along with Mr. McGuinty's point, the only thing I would suggest is that Europe has also thrown down the gauntlet to say that the 20% is almost a base. If other countries come on board for something more aggressive, then the European Union has also thrown in some conditions to move to 30%. So a challenge has been issued by Europe that Canada would do well to take up.
They have also, under France's direction, started to work on having import taxation on countries that do not find themselves under Kyoto, which I think should give the government some pause. It seems a serious consideration by France and the European Union.
The second one, I believe, is a friendly amendment. It follows right in the same section, Chair. It moves the 2050 target from this notion of a range to a fixed target of 80% by the year 2050.
I can make arguments to that, but I move it as a friendly amendment.