Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I think there's something encouraging in the general conversation we're having around the table, in the sense that we've moved across the voluntary threshold into the legislative, mandatory, and regulatory areas. The reason I say we're encouraged is that it was not so long ago in the House--Mr. Watson can probably remind me of the exact date--that we brought forward a motion to do that, and it was voted down by many members in Parliament. Moving over there--being willing to commit to the notion of having a firm standard that industry will account itself to--is the first stage.
On the argument Mr. McGuinty has just made about seeking interpretation from the courts about what is meant by realistic or achievable or ambitious, I think a lot of those terms, particularly if we're talking about a preamble, are a rabbit's den. We're going to run down a rabbit's hole.
The point I would like to make to committee members is that as it exists right now, CEPA says in its preamble:
Whereas the Government of Canada recognizes the importance of endeavouring, in cooperation with provinces, territories and aboriginal peoples, to achieve the highest level of environmental quality for all Canadians and ultimately contribute to sustainable development
We have language like this in use in our acts as they are right now, acts that the government accepts and uses on a daily basis, so I don't think we should be too timid, in terms of the seeking to--as was written on the front page of the budget--“aspire”, or seeking to go.... I don't think there's anything binding.
There was one interesting point raised by my Conservative colleagues with respect to who sets and how it's set. We're not there yet, Chair, but I think it's instructive to where we're going and why we're supportive of this in the NDP. In amendment NDP-35 we talk about that process--about how we involve industry, the government, and the other sectors relevant to this issue in the setting of those standards and how they meet with international standards.
We have a disturbing trend in our auto sector right now; deals are being signed between Canadian auto companies and Chinese auto companies to produce low-emission vehicles. They would then be open to receiving a benefit from the Government of Canada for cars that were designed and made by a Chinese automaker. You can get to the absolute absurd if we're not on the leading edge of where the industry is headed. It's been a real struggle for our auto industry, particularly the big three, over the last number of years; we've all seen the news reports.
We have the concept of putting out the leading edge, the concept of saying we will aspire to make the best cars in the world, the most efficient and safest. The industry has experience in doing this in other measures, in terms of efficiency of the auto plants; a number of the plants in Ontario achieved the highest efficiency ratings for volume output, etc., and safety standards. We've done this before. The industry has come to realize that there are real costs in having an unsafe plant or an inefficient plant.
We are now doing the same process for the efficiency of the vehicle itself when we say we not only want to be good, we want to be the best, because that factor of pollution, of what happens when a car is in use, has become a cost of doing business. It's become a cost of operating the vehicle, and it's a serious cost, both in pollution and to the consumer who eventually drives that car for the rest of the car's life. In the process we were very clear in making sure we had something set up that met with some industry acceptance in terms of how the designs were put in place, but the concept of benchmarking ourselves to where the best is happening in the world is an encouraging one.
I encourage committee members again. We have language and acts right now in Canada that talk about endeavouring to be at the international best standard. If we're quibbling between what the Conservatives have brought forward and what the Liberals have brought forward in terms of that language, seeking whether one is more vague than another or whether one might be more open in a court to interpretation one way or the other--and no offence is intended for our witnesses today--I think it's a rabbit's hole. I don't think we're going to get a conclusive decision that “most ambitious” or.... That won't serve us.
We're submitting a process that will allow us to establish what that means in real terms. Industry is involved in it, as is government. We think that's a strong safety catch to make sure that we're making things that are realistic and achievable, but that also seek to be the best. The auto sector has experience in doing that in other terms, but not yet in the terms of making the most efficient vehicles. This is why we'll be supporting this motion.