In recent polling, Canadians have shown that the environment is their number one concern. But in the follow-up questions in relation to their place of employment and concerns they have, they are, I guess, trying to find the middle ground instead of having what you'd call a sledgehammer approach to dealing with the environmental concerns—climate change, air pollution, and so on. Maybe you could elaborate on that and what the government is planning to do.
We have the oil sands in Alberta employing thousands of people, the auto industry in Ontario, and the fishing industry in Newfoundland. I'm sure the people involved in all these industries are concerned about the same things we are. But we have to try to deal with this in such a way that people can still have a place to go to work each day and be able to contribute to society in other ways. So could you elaborate a bit on the approach the government is planning to take with regard to that?