We're not interested in participating in carbon markets overseas.
The previous government's efforts were very different.
Let me give you an example of why I think it's so important to make investments here in Canada—a concrete, clear example that underlines the point.
When I was Minister of Energy in Ontario, we announced a plan to phase out our coal-fired electricity generating stations by 2015. The first one we slated for closure was the Lakeview Generating Station in Mississauga.
At the Lakeview Generating Station, when three of the four units went down, the only good news was that only one unit could go down. So it was at the end of its lifespan, being held together with duct tape. When it was closed by the successor government in Ontario, we were able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also, at the same time, improve air quality by reducing the pollutants that were emitted by that generating station.
That's the kind of action, integrated action, that deals with both climate change and human health, and that's the kind of action we support: an integrated approach here in Canada, an integrated approach in our airshed and making investments in Canada.
I appreciate that that's an honest difference of opinion, and it's one that I'm happy to defend to Canadians.